Facebook is such a handy way to communicate what is going on in your life. It is a quick way to communicate life changes, events, accomplishments and information to people. And then people let you know they hear your news and can respond with a comment or message to you publicly or privately or simply click the “Like” buttons. Yay, you can see people are hearing your news! And chances are, you and your spouse are “Friends” of each other’s Facebook pages.
So rather than telling the 200+ people you know individually that you are getting a divorce, whether by your choice or not, you can tell it once. CONVENIENT! PAIN-LESS! DONE!
Oh, not so fast….
So what does it mean when someone “Likes” your status update? Does that mean that your friend, mutual to you and your spouse, is happy for you? Are they loyal to you and not your spouse by clicking “Like”? Did they forget to select the sad face instead of clicking “like’? Does your spouse find out you posted it because a friend comments on your status and types in your spouse’s name and then they see all the comments and the fact that you have 50 “Likes”? Are your kids “Friends” of yours or your spouse? You know how the social network bleeds information. Do you post status updates about your divorce progress on Facebook?
So what are some helpful rules to keep in mind when you are thinking about posting something about your divorce on Facebook? Because, what you say on Facebook will eventually get back to your spouse! Here are the Top 5 Rules for Facebook during Divorce:
You are in charge of what information you share and maintaining a respectful divorce with your spouse. What you think is a "no big deal" can actually lead to a lot of conflict in divorce that could have been so easily prevented. Believe me, it happened in a case I worked on recently. The clients spent a lot of time and money dealing with the aftermath with friends and to their already strained relationship. Ask yourself how you would feel if the message was posted about you. So think twice, and maybe thrice before you hit “Post.”
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