The Law Shop of Minnesota offers pre-divorce consultation services to individuals and couples who want to know more about their divorce process options. A pre-divorce consultation can help answer your questions about which divorce process fits your needs.
A pre-divorce consultation occurs before you retain an attorney for their services as either a lawyer or mediator and will provide you with information and offer education about your process options instead of offering specific legal advice. The pre-divorce consultation has three main goals to making an informed decision:
You can schedule a pre-divorce consultation session as an individual, but some couples find it helpful to attend the pre-divorce consultation together. The likelihood of a divorce might be the only point of agreement between you two, but a pre-divorce session can give you an idea of what process options are available to you and what you can expect. If you conclude that the collaborative divorce process or mediation is the right next step, and find that you are comfortable working with TLSMN , you can transition into an attorney-client relationship for one person or hire a mediator to work with both of you. TLSMN also can provide referrals to other attorneys, professionals, and resources that can help you as needed with next steps
The Law Shop attorneys' extensive backgrounds in family law allows them to offer unique insights into each client’s options regarding a divorce or preserving the marriage. If you're not sure that divorce is the next step, but you know that something needs to change, a pre-divorce consultation can help you gain clarity or set out a path to gain clarity about whether to divorce or preserve the marriage. Understanding the divorce process and implications of divorce can help you make an informed decision.
If you know that you need a divorce, but want to educate yourself and be in control of the process, a pre-divorce consultation can empower you to make the best decision about how to move forward for you and your family. Even if as a couple you agree a divorce is necessary, you may be at different stages in terms of readiness to accept that the marriage is ending. Pre-divorce consultation offers you the opportunity to get on the same page so that when the divorce does take place, you are both ready to move forward with the decisions you will need to make. A divorce can be respectful and dignified. It does not have to be a traumatic event.
TLSMN is committed to helping their clients reach out-of-court settlements both people agree to and help families make healthy and positive transitions to two homes. We offer divorce mediation, Collaborative Practice, and other out-of-court processes for reaching divorce settlements. In the pre-divorce consultation, you and your spouse can make a mutually informed decision about how you want to move forward. Several methods are available to help you through this process:
TLSMN offers to see you individually or together as a couple. The consultation is to learn about your process options so you can make an informed decision, mutually if you attend together, about how to move forward. The first decision is to decide which process you will use so you can then select the attorney who is the best fit for you and your process. The session is designed to assist you with making informed decisions that fit your needs and your budget. TLSMN has found the best way to get people the substantive legal help they need without burdening them financially is to offer an initial consultation at a reduced rate for most cases. A reduced rate allows TLSMN to set aside the time to give specific guidance and let potential clients get to know them. At the same time, the rate is low enough that it is affordable for most people. Clients who retain us after this initial consultation tell us that it was well worth it.
Disclaimer: The Law Shop Minnesota does not represent either party prior to or during a consultation. Minnesota attorneys are prohibited from representing both parties in a divorce. Therefore, the attorney meeting with both people in a joint consultation will not discuss the specific facts of the case, will not provide legal advice, and will not have a confidential relationship with either party. TLSMN can be retained as a mediator or as an attorney for one person after the consultation, with the person who initially contacted The Law Shop Minnesota having the right of first refusal. If there is a conflict about who will work with TLSMN , they can provide referrals for both of you, upon request. A consultation is approximately 45 minutes for a pre-paid reduced hourly rate of $250. TLSMN 's goal is to help you get meaningful answers to your questions in an affordable way whether you meet with them individually or together with your spouse. You can meet with TLSMN in person or via Zoom.
TLSMN practices in the Twin Cities area. They have helped families resolve disputes involving divorce, child custody, paternity, pre- and post-nuptial agreements, and other issues. TLSMN uses Minnesota’s collaborative and mediation processes to assist their clients in transforming their relationships. Please contact us today online or at (651) 344-6100 if you need help with collaborative law, divorce mediation, or another family law issue.
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