I was quoted in a blog written by Jennifer Moshier from Arizona and thought it was a great article about Collaborative practice in family law matters that might be helpful for people thinking about divorce. Both Jennifer and I practice the Collaborative process for divorce. If you want to learn about your divorce process options, feel free to schedule a Pre-Divorce Consultation with me. Take a look at the article.
Excerpt: from https://moshierlaw.com/uncontested-divorce-amicable-divorce-conscious-uncoupling/
If you need to know where to find a collaborative lawyer, look no further than www.bestlegalchoices.com. Best Legal Choices isn’t a law firm. Best Legal Choices simply exists so you can make the very, absolute best legal choice in a situation that impacts you legally, financially and emotionally. There are three divorces, and you want experts who can guide you through a time in your life where you feel shut down, scared, angry, contemplative, regretful – and all in an hour. Louise Livesay, an attorney in Minneapolis, Minnesota, explains the various emotional and mental places people may be experiencing in describing the pre-divorce consultation:
If you’re not sure that divorce is the next step, but you know that something needs to change, a pre-divorce consultation offers you information about the divorce process and your options. If you know that you need a divorce, but want to educate yourself and be in control of the process, a pre-divorce consultation can empower you to make the best decisions for you and your family. Even if a couple agrees a divorce is necessary, they may be at different stages in terms of readiness to accept that the marriage is ending. Pre-divorce consultation offers them the opportunity to get on the same page, so that when the divorce does take place they are both ready to move forward with their lives.
It’s true that people move through divorce and pre-divorce processes at different rates. Some people “circle the drain” for a long time in deciding to divorce."
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