What other professionals may be involved in a Collaborative Divorce?

Divorce is not just a legal process; it is a financial and emotional one as well. Depending on your needs, it can be very cost-effective to use some neutral professionals in your Collaborative process who have expertise in other relevant areas with a focus on mediation, education and problem-solving. Financial Neutrals can help gather, verify financial data and crunch numbers. Their services can help increase people’s confidence in the numbers because their work is done from a place of neutrality. 

A Family or Child Specialist can help parents create child-focused parenting plans, and meet with the children if parents agree so that children feel like their voices are being heard in the divorce. These experts can provide valuable guidance on children and divorce,  from how to tell kids that you are divorcing, to navigating strained parent-child relationships. The Collaborative process tries to use the professional who has the expertise that is most relevant to the issue at hand for the best, most cost-effective service.  All Collaborative professionals have mediation training.